Autumn is a great time to have a good garden and pond clear out so now’s the time to help spread the Compost with Care message from the Be Plant Wise campaign to customers.

As customers pull out aquatic plants and have a general garden tidy up we all need to play our part to make sure they are not inadvertently contributing to the spread of invasive non-native plants.

There are simple things that gardeners can do to help prevent this, both in the autumn when they pull out old and overgrown plants as well as plan planting for next year. Why not share these message with customers both face to face and on your website, like a blog, or on your social media channels.

Compost with care

Dispose of unwanted plants, roots, weeds, seeds, and seed heads responsibly.

Home composting is environmentally-friendly and the compost will benefits the garden. Remember to keep an eye out for regrowth in your compost heap and make sure it is broken down properly before using it in your garden.

Alternatively, most garden plants can go in council garden waste bins but customers need to be aware that some invasive plants have extra controls around their disposal. Find out which invasive plants can’t be composted and how to dispose of them safely.

And when customers start to plan for next year’s additions to ponds and gardens they need to consider:

Know what you grow

Choosing the right plants for gardens, ponds and water features. Download a free guide to plants to use in place of invasive non-native species.

Stop the spread

Keeping plants in the garden – don’t plant them, or allow them to grow, in the wild. Learn more about restrictions on non-native plants.

For more information and tips, visit the Be Plant Wise webpages.

Please help spread the message about Be Plant Wise as pond owners and gardeners start their autumnal garden tidy-ups. This is the time when the Compost with Care messages of the Be Plant Wise campaign are great to share with customers. You can find more about the Be Plant Wise campaign and order leaflets etc for your business.