Pond & Aquarium Maintenance Application Form

Membership form Pond and Aquarium Maintenance

  • Point of Contact for the Company is authorised to sign for the company.
  • All members have to agree to abide by the letter and spirtit of the Code of Conduct. A copy of which can be read using the link provided above.
    A Copy of the Indemnity Insurance Certificate is to be sent in with the application.
    DATA Protection, The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). As a trade association with members, we need to process your information as a Legitimate interest as provided as part of the membership application. This will be kept on the membership database in the office to enable us to contact you with information, on an ongoing basis. Once a year a membership list will be produced and sent to all current members of the association as part of the AGM. You will also be registered the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy for inclusion in the Primary Authority Register to be able to receive Assured Advice. If you wish you can Opt out of this in writing a letter or sending an email to the OATA Office. You will be asked to sign and return a form agreeing the Code of Conduct and agreement to the GDPR, before you will become a member.
  • If you can not complete the form please contact the OATA Office, by email at info@ornamentalfish.org or by phone at 07946 167161
  • £ 0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.