The Government has announced that face coverings will be mandatory from 24 July when shopping in England which means customers coming to your shop are obliged to wear one. Those people who don’t wear a face covering in shops face a fine of up to £100.

You can refuse entry to someone not wearing a face covering and you can call the police if someone fails to comply.

Shop workers do not have to wear face coverings although they might choose to do so and as an employer you should do your best to accommodate them.

In Scotland, it’s been a requirement to wear face coverings in shops since 10 July. Anyone not wearing one can be fined £60 fine for a first offence. People with certain medical conditions or disabilities, and children under five are exempt.

Northern Ireland and Wales do not have any requirement for face coverings in shops yet, although the Welsh Government recommends coverings are worn whenever social distancing is not possible.

Further guidance for business will be available on GOV.UK soon.

The Government has also issued advice on how to dispose of business waste, including face coverings and any PPE you use. It suggests extra bins for staff and customers which are emptied frequently to prevent them overflowing. These items can’t go into your recycling waste and should be put in ‘‘offensive waste’ collection (yellow bags with a black stripe), if you have one. It’s also suggested you ask your waste contractor if there is anything else you need to do.  Find out more here.