OATA has today written to the Prime Minister to add our voice to calls for the Government to offer urgent help to businesses over the energy crisis. You can read it here.
We are particularly concerned because we believe the home aquarium industry will be the hardest hit within the pet sector due to the heating and lighting needs for tropical fish. We understand the difficulties these price hikes bring to businesses which deal in animals and who therefore don’t have the ability to just turn off the lights/heating without severe effects on the fish you hold. We have also heard of the added burden facing businesses as customers ask for shops to rehome fish as they shut down home tanks. With limited options for rehoming fish, this is another issue only being faced by aquatic businesses.
Can you add your voice to this?
Please consider writing to your local MP. We have written a template letter (opens a Word document) for you to download and customise to your particular circumstances – you will need to add in details that are individual to you – about your business, how many staff you have, and the financial effects on your business. Why not invite your local MP to visit you in person so they can see what you are facing?
Remember, there is power in numbers so the more people that write to their MPs the greater the chance of having an impact.
We have also pulled together some tips for businesses to save costs as well as ideas to share with customers concerned about the energy used by their tank. Find them here.